Wednesday, July 15, 2009


So today is my 29th birthday. I think I am going to go with 24 when people ask though. You think that would work? I sure hope so. =) I remember, not that long ago, when 29 would have seemed so freakin old. Now I like to think of myself as still young and fun. We are going to ignore the fact that I have a 6 year old and pretend that I am just at the beginning of my life and am a young, hot, powerful force to be reckoned with! Hmm...yup. That's what I'm going with today.

Friday, July 10, 2009

3 In The Morning?

Ok. So I am not really sure what all that was about. I was doped up on Benadryl to ease the pain in my ears when I decided to give this blogging thing another run. Dark matter does fascinate me and I had been reading up on it lately, but I promise that is no indication of what most of my writing will be like. Really.

My ears? Glad you asked. The little punks gave out on me. I went swimming on Sunday and got 2 punctured eardrums for my trouble. What kind of crap is that? There I am, having a grand ol' time cooling off from the 102 degree temperature when WHAM! Searing pain shoots through my right ear, across the side of my head and down my neck. The real kicker is that I only felt it on the right side and both of them are busted. I guess I shouldn't complain; that pain was excruciating and almost made me drown. Truthfully, I didn't even go that deep. Well, now my hearing is worse than usual, my ears are in massive 'discomfort' and I have this constant buzzing in my head as if I had pissed off a rather large bee. UGH!

Now its about 3 in the morning, I am utterly exhausted and cant sleep, but now I am also getting hungry. I think I am going to run quickly to the kitchen and see what I can whip up without too much effort for the middle of the night. I hope all of you out there are having sweet dreams (well obviously not while you are reading this, but rather while I am here writing it) and we shall chat again at a later date. Unless of course I still can't sleep in a bit at which point I may get back on here.

G'nite to all!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First Thing In My Brain

As I sit here pondering the evolutionary consequences of Dark Matter, I have to ask myself if it really matters. Do we, as humans, actually need to understand the workings of our entire universe? Doesn't that take away the mystical powers that have so fascinated our species for millennia? What are we really going to accomplish with this information? Anything? No. Nothing but to steal away the wonder and amazement of the heavens. What else can we possibly do with the information of how rapidly non-baryonic hot dark matter is advancing in comparison to the cold dark matter and how they effect the spacial curvature of the universe? Please don't misunderstand me, this information is indeed exciting to learn and study, but seems to have no true purpose.

As I say all this, I am still the girl who will continue to learn and unlock those mysteries I so desire to maintain.

Haha. Joke's on me, I guess.